Albuca spiralis 'Frizzle Sizzle'

Albuca spiralis 'Frizzle Sizzle'

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Albuca spiralis 'Frizzle Sizzle' is a bulb succulent with distinctive, corkscrew foliage that can be planted high in the soil with some of the bulb exposed. Its large, yellow green flowers emerge on robust stalks in spring and have a strong vanilla fragrance. 

This is a winter-growing bulb that goes dormant and loses its leaves each summer after blooming. 

Plant Care 

  • Light: Very bright light to full sun
  • Water: Allow soil to dry out between watering. Keep the bulb dry through its summer dormancy and resume watering as the leaves re-sprout in fall.
  • Additionally: When the flower stalks are growing, the tips of the leaves often turn brown. This is a normal occurrence and new leaves will sprout in the fall.